Event Details
The ѱapp | Genex | Coventry team looks forward to connecting with you at the 2021 mPower Conference, taking place virtually October 12–14, 2021. With plenty of exciting updates and interactive content that lets you connect with industry experts, this engaging virtual conference will give you the expertise that only mPower can deliver, while offering you the flexibility to attend live or on-demand sessions—whatever suits your need. Enjoy exclusive content, leading industry insights and plenty of opportunities for networking during this dynamic digital event.
Stay Tuned for Our Full Agenda and Lineup
Conference speakers include President and CEO, Alex Sun and an array of industry thought leaders who will share meaningful and timely industry insights, and will give you first-look access to innovations, announcements and awards. Expert Sessions will include live content on , current landscape and future trends, as well as case studies and downloadable content that will be beneficial long after the conference. The conference will kick off with a General Session at 10:00 am Pacific Time on Tuesday, October 12, followed immediately by live Expert Session content. Additional live Expert Session content will be available on Wednesday, October 13 and Thursday, October 14 starting promptly at 10:00 am Pacific Time each day. On Demand access to all sessions will become available shortly following the live conference. The detailed agenda and content lineup will be announced soon, and registration will open later this summer.
Learn from Customers’ Success
The mPower Conference will also include opportunities to learn from each other—and celebrate each other’s success. The ѱapp mPower Awards celebrate those customers who are adapting processes and embracing to deliver better outcomes in their business. Customer success stories provide insights into industry innovations and process transformations. Learn More
Content Important to You and Your Peers
The mPower Conference will be an important virtual experience for members of your organization’s senior management team such as CRO, CTO/CIO, CEO/COO, Vice Presidents and Business Managers.
Ready to Attend?
Program registration will be complimentary. Stay tuned for additional program specifics and registration information when it opens in late summer. Please contact your ѱapp | Genex | Coventry representative for more information and access to this invitation-only event. In the meantime, explore and for the latest technology trends, industry insights and On Demand events.